album cinema

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The Last of the Troubadours

101:18The sack of Beziers
202:03Rassa tan creis
304:16No.m say d'amour
401:27La segonda retroencha
504:05Planh for the Lord of Narbonne
601:00Au temps d'aoust
804:02Fid e verays
902:06Marvillosos et piadosos
1002:53La Redonda
1102:19Mais non faz
1203:41La Primieyra retroencha
1301:37Jhesus Cristz filh de Dieu viu
1501:08Los Esclops
1603:38Ja mais non er
1702:09Vers. Be.m clegra
1800:45from 'La Chanson de la Croisade Albigeoise'
1901:28Melody. Si tot me sui a tart apperceubutz