album cinema

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The Last Hero on Earth: A Comic Opera

102:59What If?
202:13Mad Scientists United
303:30The Sinister Cavortings of Sir Wilfred P. Huffelbaggins III
402:04Warning: Wimbledon!
502:13The Sinister Sixty Strike
602:33Enter The Waffle
703:15You Never Call Me By My Real Name
801:49Boulevard of Broken Genes
901:27Tears of the Kill-O-Tron
1002:14Pirate Ninjas From Dino Island
1102:04The Terror of Sis Boom Ba
1202:02The Romance of George and Al
1302:44A Million Light Years From Love
1403:18Divided Royalties
1501:20Behold the Crossing Guard
1601:08When Strikes the Clock
1701:22Rules of Enragement