album cinema

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The Human Society Wants More Gore

102:06Hang'em on Their Own Guts
201:54Sinister Traces of Violence
301:28Homicide Is on My Side
401:39The Human Society Wants More Gore
501:59From Eva Comes My Obssession
702:29Hatred, Bloodbath and Hecatombe
801:25Hatefilled Atrocities
901:43Hit Me With Dead Flesh
1001:12Stabbing Cranial Tumours
1101:23Fisically Humilated
1201:17Handsaw Rectal Abortion
1301:33Insanity by Female Anatomy
1402:24Unfinishing Bleeding
1503:26Helga (Lost Her Fuckin' Head)
1601:24Washed in Recto-Visceral Secretions in a Collective Carnage Post Intercourse