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The Bonnie Bunch of Roses

cinema - The Bonnie Bunch of Roses
102:42A Little Bench of Rushes
202:51The Kerry Recruit
302:18The First House in Connaught / The Copper Plate Reel
401:35The Farmer's Cursed Wife
502:45An Leanbh Sidhe (The Fairy Boy)
602:34An Clar Bog-deil (The Bog Deal Board)
701:00The Thrush in the Straw
801:30The Cuckoo's Hornpipe
904:52The Bonny Bunch of Roses
1002:07Gol Na Mban 'San Ar (The Women's Lament in Battle)
1101:42The Wealthy Squire
1204:49Hogan's Favorite / The Connaught Man's Ramble / The Lark in the Morning / When the Cock Crows It Is Day
1302:03Marrow Bones
1401:45Will You Come With Me Over the Mountain