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Second Sephira Cella

105:16Entrance to the Ancient Flame (Precursory Procedure in the Name of OUMQ)
211:05To Enter the Tower of Shadows (Trapped in the Witch's Spell)
305:04Rule of Utukagaba (Ruling of the Scarlet Light Established At the Gates of the Waters)
410:05Refulgent Splendour (7 Conquerors and Their Multitude Part II)
504:56Sephira Tephirot (Natura Non Facit Saltum)
604:54Mists over Masshu (The Moisture of Mercury Rises)
704:25Sixth Throne of Asaru (The Eyes of Two Daughters Meet)
803:31Fashioning the Winds of 7 (Sar Dannu Ina Mati Basi Sar Bumasla Emuki Nesi Part I)
904:52He Who Makes the Name of Masshu Abundant (Sar Dannu Ina Mati Basi SarBumasla Emuki Nesi Part II)
1002:21Where the Watchers Mourn (...and Dance)
1104:32Nindinugga Nimshimshargal Enlillara (The Enthroned Ninnkigal Gazes Benignly Upon the Viewer from a Fragment of Contentment, by Means of a Craft Inscribed to Our Queen Ereshkigal)
1208:25Reflections of the Last Rays of the Moon (Erichtho's Aggrandizement)