album cinema

les albums de cinema

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Pumpkin Face

100:44Pumpkin Face
201:19Do the Skeleton Scat!
301:40Little Vampires
401:03Three Little Pumpkins
501:49In the Big Red Car We Like to Ride
601:46The Sound of Halloween
701:39The Full Moon Melody
802:05Ooey, Ooey, Ooey Allergies!
901:31Hey, Billy Bat!
1001:26A Friendly Little Spider
1101:39Mumbles the Monster
1201:04I Stamp
1301:54Zombie Feet
1401:11Furry Wolfman
1501:49Trick or Treat
1602:16Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
1702:23Do the Owl
1800:48I Like Scary Nights
1901:17Howling Wolf
2001:09Scary Ghost!
2102:09Let's Go (We're Riding in the Big Red Car)
2203:01Who Killed Cock Robin?
2301:37Witchy-Woo, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh!