album cinema

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Permanent Damage

103:47The Eureka Springs Garbage Lady
202:09Miss Pamela and Miss Sparky Discuss Stuffed Bras and Some of Their Early Gym Class Experiences
300:17Who's Jim Sox?
401:12Kansas and the BTO's
501:55The Captain's Fat Theresa Shoes
601:10Wouldn't It Be Sad If There Were No Cones?
702:18Do Me in Once and I'll Be Sad, Do Me in Twice and I'll Know Better (Circular Circulation)
801:45The Moche Monster Review
901:02TV Lives
1102:10I Have a Paintbrush in My Hand to Color a Triangle
1200:56Miss Christine's First Conversation With the Plaster Casters of Chicago
1301:04The Original GTO's
1401:44The Ghost Chained to the Past, Present, and Future (Shock Treatment)
1501:18Love on an Eleven Year Old Level
1601:30Miss Pamela's First Conversation With the Plaster Casters of Chicago
1703:26I'm in Love With the Ooo-Ooo Man