album cinema

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Musica Sacra

104:55Ya la Naturaleza Redimida / M. de Sumaya
202:40Ave Maria, J.S. Bach / C. Gounod
303:35Panis Angelicus / C. Franck
406:05Litanei auf das Fest Aller Seelen / F. Schubert
503:41Haec est Regina Virginum / G.F. Handel
603:00Oh rest in the Lord / F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
702:45Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring / J.S. Bach
804:51Fac me Vere Tecum Flere / J. Haydn
904:30Ave Maria, G. Caccini
1002:13Dignare O Domine / G.F. Handel
1102:19The Lord Bless you and Keep you / J. Rutter