album cinema

les albums de cinema

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Mommy and Me: Mary Had a Little Lamb

101:53Lavender's Blue
201:43My Bonny Lies Over the Ocean
301:00London's Burning
401:27Five Green Bottles
501:45On Top of Old Smokey
601:28Mary Had a Little Lamb
701:09Ride a Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross
801:01To Market to Market
901:13There Was a Crooked Man
1001:50I Was Working on the Railroad
1101:28'Twas on a Monday Morning
1201:11One Man Went to Mow
1301:11The Grandfather Clock
1401:29The North Wind Doth Blow
1501:14Bobby Shafto
1601:37Here We Go Luby-Loo
1701:23She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain
1901:35Bluetail Fly (Jimmy Crack Corn)
2001:01Row Row Row Your Boat
2102:05Billy Boy
2201:53Home on the Range
2301:51The Yellow Rose of Texas
2401:30Pop Goes the Weasel
2500:52Do Your Ears Hang Low?