album cinema

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103:36Visiting an Ex-Girlfriend in the Hospital - AIDS Ward
203:15Girlfriend Announces That She Is Beginning Professional Treatment for Severe Depression
304:29Girlfriend Attempts to Explain Schizophrenic Episode by Revealing Childhood Sexual Abuse
400:15Small Hands
508:06Visiting an Ex-Girlfriend in the Hospital - Psychiatric Ward - 24-Hour Observation - Suicide Watch
604:08Fashion Model Turned Prostitute Enlightened Sexworker
700:25Curved Cervix
903:29First Visit to a City Health Clinic - Chicago - Aids Test - Panic
1004:05Shotgun Held to Face by Severely Crosseyed Addict While Attempting to Physically Remove Girlfriend From Known Drug House
1100:21Cult One (Spiritual)
1202:25Second Visit to a City Health Clinic - Brooklyn - AIDS Test - At Start of Potentially Serious Relationship With Recovering Alcoholic and Addict
1306:14Girlfriend's Need to Be Successfull Is Driven by Physically Abusive Father - Bulimia as Side Effect
1400:29Cult Two (Sexual)
1504:03Sexually Timid Girlfriend Putting Herself Through Art School by Working as a Stripper - Rape Victim