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Groenland : Le Plus Grand Parc naturel au monde / Greenland: The Most Important Natural Park in the World

144:44Concert naturel / Concert of natural sounds
200:30Canis lupus / Loup / Wolf
300:38Corvus corax / Grand Corbeau / Raven
400:31Plectrophenax nivalix / Bruant des neiges / Snow Bunting
500:44Branta leucopsis / Bernache nonnette / Barnacle Goose
600:41Logopus mutus / Lagopède alpin / Rock Ptarmigan
700:38Calcarius lapponicus / Bruant lapon / Lapland Bunting
800:43Gavia immer / Plongeon imbrin / Great Northern Diver
900:26Larus hyperboreus / Goeland bourgmestre / Glaucous Gull
1000:39Sterna paradisaea / Sterne arctique / Arctic Tern
1100:45Gavia stellata / Plongeon catmarin / Red-throatet Diver
1200:32Clangula hyemalis / Harelde de Miquelon / Long-tailed Duck
1300:32Calidris alba / Bécasseau sanderling / Sanderling
1400:35Calidris canutus / Bécasseau maubèche / Knot
1500:31raquement de glace / Craquement de glace / Ice
1600:34Anser brachyrhynchus / Oie à bec court / Pink-footed Goose
1700:30Charadrius hiaticula / Grand Gravelot / Ringed Plover
1800:31Arenaria interpres / Tournepierre à collier / Tumstone
1900:17Somateria mollissima / Eider à duvet (Norvège) / Common Eider (Norway)
2000:30Pluvialis apricaria / Pluvier doré / Golden Plover
2100:37Rissa tridactyla / Mouette tridactyle / Kittiwake