album cinema

les albums de cinema

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104:03The Home Ruler / Tripping Upstairs / The Dusty Window Sill
202:59June Apple
303:00Mazurka du Viol / Polka Piqué
403:15The Moving Cloud / The Gravel Walk
502:58The Blackbird
602:13A Trip to Athlone / The Pipe on the Hob
702:34The Bluebell Polka
802:44Muñeira do Vilanova / Muñeira do Areal
902:43The Lads of Laois / Toss the Feathers
1003:30The Pinoscot Waltz
1103:02Pays d'Haût / Gaspé's Reel / La Bastrangue
1201:33The Langstern Pony
1305:56Mo Mhuirnïn Bán / McMahon's / The Sally Gardens / Kitty Gone A Milking
1404:22The Factory Girl