album cinema

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A Taste of Paradise

cinema - A Taste of Paradise
101:49Sarba Miracinae (The Burdock Sirba)
203:02Sholem Tants (Dance of Peace)
304:48A Glezele Yash (A Glass of Wine) / Di Kleyne Printesesin (The Little Princess)
404:32Dovidl Bazetst Di Kale (Dave Seats The Bride) / Khusidl (Hasidic Dance)
504:45Mayn Ershte Vals (My First Waltz)
602:22O Mortis (The Tough Guy)
704:47A Fishele (A Little Fish)
805:18Oyfn Oyvn (At the Hearth)
903:22Tayere Malkele (Dear Malke)
1002:36Khaye Sho (Seize the Moment)
1104:12Bessarabian Breakdown
1304:41Tif VI Di Nakht (Deep as the Night)
1404:32Dem Zeydn's Tants (Grandfather's Dance) / Tants Istanbul (Dance From Istanbul)
1503:19Sabbath Prayer
1603:02Az Der Rebe Elimeylekh (When Rabbi Elimeylekh)
1703:33Nakhes Bulgar