album cinema

les albums de cinema

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A Question of Balance

cinema - A Question of Balance
202:44How Is It (We Are Here)
302:57And the Tide Rushes In
402:38Don?t You Feel Small
503:22Tortoise and the Hare
603:12It?s Up to You
704:27Minstrel?s Song
804:21Dawning Is the Day
905:45Melancholy Man
1003:28The Balance
1103:37Mike?s Number One
1206:08Question (alternate version)
1304:37Minstrel?s Song (original mix)
1403:23It?s Up to You (original mix)
1503:04Don?t You Feel Small (original mix)
1604:38Dawning Is the Day (full original mix)
1705:44Question (5.1 mix)
1802:45How Is It (We Are Here) (5.1 mix)
1902:56And the Tide Rushes In (5.1 mix)
2002:39Don?t You Feel Small (5.1 mix)
2103:20Tortoise and the Hare (5.1 mix)