album chuck berry

les albums de chuck berry

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Roll over Beethoven

chuck berry - Roll over Beethoven
102:43No Particular Place to Gooui
202:42School Day (Ring, Ring Goes the Bell)oui
303:01Sweet Little Sixteenoui
401:46Let It Rock
502:13Memphis Tennesseeoui
602:36Nadine (Is It You)oui
702:42You Never Can Telloui
802:22Promised Land
903:15Reelin' and Rockin'
1004:24My Ding a Lingoui
1202:24Roll Over Beethovenoui
1302:39Johny B. Goode
1502:21Almost Grownoui
1602:27Back in the USA
1702:41Little Queenieoui
1802:17Brown Eyed Handsome Manoui
1902:22Sweet Little Rock and Roller
2002:29Rock & Roll Musicoui