album chuck berry

les albums de chuck berry

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Rock ?n Roll Rarities

102:40No Particular Place to Gooui
202:27Rock and Roll Music
302:32It Wasn?t Me
403:34Reelin? & Rockin?
501:51Come Onoui
603:08Johnny B. Goodeoui
702:02Bye Bye Johnny
802:34Little Marie
902:26Time Was
1002:31Promised Land
1102:37Little Queenieoui
1202:40You Never Can Telloui
1303:13Sweet Little Sixteenoui
1402:18County Line
1502:45Run, Rudolph, Run
1702:30Betty Jean
1802:20I Want to Be Your Driver
1902:28Beautiful Delilah
2002:30Oh Yeah