album christine lavin

les albums de christine lavin

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Getting in Touch with My Inner Bitch

100:32Choice Words From Dave Palmater
204:51Single Voice
301:02I Venture Into the Crowd With a Spelunking Lamp on My Head
404:14You Look Pretty Good for Your Age
500:54Don't Make Me Be Naughty
603:30What Was I Thinking in 1999?
700:50What Monica L. And Cameron D. Have in Common
800:45It's Dangerous to Confide in a Songwriter
904:46Another New York Afternoon
1000:31A Late-Night IM Turns Into...
1200:45Gene Shay Adds His Voice to the Low Fat/No Fat Debate
1301:39Mike needs a date
1402:29Happy Birthday Jackson, Nancy, Bill and Jana
1506:17Harrison Ford
1603:21The Polka Dancing Bus Driver and the 40-Year-Old Mystery
1705:22The Piper
1806:21Getting in Touch With My Inner Bitch
1901:42Patty Larkin's in town! Megon McDonough is so nice!
2008:03Adjust Your Dreams/Shining My Flashlight On The Moon
2105:00Piranha Women Of The Avocado Jungle Of Death