album bobby womack

les albums de bobby womack

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Lookin? for a Love Again / B.W. Goes C.W.

102:37Lookin' for a Love
203:25I Don't Wanna Be Hurt by Ya Love Again
305:38Doing It My Way
402:23Let It Hang Out
502:45Point of No Return
603:43You're Welcome, Stop on By
702:35You're Messing Up a Good Thing
802:05Don't Let Me Down
903:19Copper Kettle
1002:44There's One Thing That Beats Failing
1103:18Don't Make This the Last Date for You and Me.
1202:31Behind Closed Doors
1302:45Bouquet of Roses
1402:02Tired of Living in the Country
1502:42Tarnished Rings
1602:43Big Bayou
1703:09Song of the Mockingbird
1802:35I'd Be Ahead If I Could Quit While I'm Behind
2003:18I Take It on Home