album bobby bare

les albums de bobby bare

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The Essential Bobby Bare

bobby bare - The Essential Bobby Bare
102:59All American Boy
202:44Shame on Me
302:51Detroit City
402:44500 Miles Away From Homeoui
502:54Miller's Cave
602:44Four Strong Winds
701:53A Dear John Letter
802:38It's Alright
902:38The Streets of Baltimore
1002:35The Game of Triangles
1102:12Charleston Railroad Tavern
1203:22(Margie's at) The Lincoln Park Inn
1302:47Bless America Again
1402:55Your Husband, My Wife
1503:00Ride Me Down Easy
1603:10Daddy What If
1703:09Marie Laveauoui
1805:12The Winner
1902:13Dropkick Me, Jesus