album alex north

les albums de alex north

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The Rat Patrol: Volume 2

102:30The Rat Patrol Overture
201:51The Germans on the Move
303:48Before the War
401:32Our Man Hans / Rats on the Prowl
501:23Belly Dancer Muzak
603:42After the War
701:23In and Out
801:41Hans Checks for Rats / German Fall Out
902:44That Tiny World (no strings)
1001:32Quick Getaway From the Germans
1101:56Tank Column
1202:58In Love With a Rat
1300:30In and Out of Trouble
1401:54Lili Marlene
1501:46Big Mean Germans
1600:45Here Comes Hans
1701:40The Showdown
1802:01Rats on Parade
1902:52Remembering an Old Friend
2001:46Rat Patrol Main Title (alt. take)