album alan stivell

les albums de alan stivell

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alan stivell - Parcours
103:33Tri martolodoui
203:30Pop plinn (live)oui
303:24Suite sudarmoricaine
504:20Spered hollvedel
603:45Mná na hÉireann (Women of Ireland)
705:30Brian Boru
804:29Suzy Mc Guire (Siobhán N? Dhuibhir)
904:39Harpe atlantique
1004:08Ian Morrisson Reel
1101:57Gouel Hollvedel (final)
1203:17O'Neil's March: The King of the Fairies
1303:51Harpe de rêve (impro harpe solo)
1402:43Gaelic Tribes Gathering
1503:25Ian Morrisson Reel
1605:27Slán (medley): Port ui Mhuirgheasa / Rock Harp / Gouel hollvedel / Port an deorai / Port ui Mhuirgheasa
1703:54Tri martolodoui
1905:08Back to Breizh